For the sustained growth and stability of our country STEM education is a critical component of the school curriculum in India of 21st century. As we know STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering and math. For the sustained growth and stability of our country STEM education is a critical component of the school curriculum in India of 21st century. As we know STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering and math. But for a Preschooler STEAM learning is an an automatic outcome. So the STEAM learning happens naturally when the child gets an opportunity to explore the world. It is the big national push that has trickled down to even the early childhood education. This leads you to teach with content delivery to content creation. We also need to shift in attitudes.
In today's educational climates. We give time to children to ask questions and find answers. The questions should create an empathy. Children reflect on what is happening in the world around. The learn and experiment with new STEAM skills and theories. Teachers have started getting like the android. For satisfying the creative demands today's teacher needs to break rules but work around the curriculum. We need to build enquiry in child, which is how they learn.
How one started earlier was only learning the book but this does not result in creative learning. So it becomes imperative to develop learning with science and technology. Knowledge base of STEAM builds inquiry skill. Such instructions improve literacy, language learning and maths learning. So that they can connect to the other part of the world. So much information on the web.
We can give fifteen minutes that can create the process of creative ideas. To encourage the child we need to reward them. Kids come up with novel ideas and we need to encourage them to think outside the box and also reward them. Foundation of creativity is imagination. Learning spaces need to change and introduce collaborative teaching also create a reward giving for creative.
We need to give permission to digress for develop on the creativity from what they imagine. Art and craft can also be an aid to STEAM teaching though craft is closed activity but art is open. For craft is preparation ended whereas art is a process of learning as we go through the process we experience real learning. Though craft has a value but art is value because it is learning better, going to toilet,wearing shoes and socks, bathing, combing coming from the child.
As an activity craft is teacher centric but art is learner centric. Some teachers do shy away from art but things like birthday codes, getting them to plant seeds and engineer shelter with Lego. We can start a project based study by building a rain shelter or by Money Math .We can give play dough or just plain sheet and crayons to develop the motor skills of the child. Firming the muscles and getting the child pencil ready. Making collage could be the next activity.
This learning by an interdisciplinary leaning takes place by an applied approach.The aim is to enable the learner apply knowledge in real life situations in school and later at work place. As we see STEM is all pervading our lives we expose the child to real life situations and arouse. their curiosity so that they can seek their answers and solve their problems.
This will not only infuse learning but will make them confident and self reliant.Students with STEM education are thinkers, creators, problem solvers,doers and innovators and surely can get better courses and better jobs later in their lives. Such education develops in you the 21st century skills.